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'Cuz I'm leaving on a jet plane...

  • Monday, November 22, 2010
  • lostintranslation
  •      I should be packing right now but I'm not. I can't seem to make myself do it. I've done the laundry, made my lists, picked out my outfits, decided which shoes to bring, got the scarfs, got the socks, got the mittens, even have the suitcases laying open on the floor, but still they remain empty. How hard can it be to just put the dang clothes in there and zip it up? Well...really hard I guess because its 11:30 and I'm still procrastinating. And I don't really know why.
          Maybe it's my dislike for the whole flying experience in general. I hate the lines, I hate the searching, I hate the mind numbing atmosphere, the disgusting smells, the small suitcases and even smaller seats, the stale air that makes me feel like I'm breathing in an endless stream of other people's germs, the exorbitantly over priced food and lack of entertainment when flying solo. Dear Little, flying without you sucks. I guess I really just hate it all. I can't say that I even feel like the quickness and 'convenience' of flying makes up for its price. So while I'm a little nervoushappyexcitedscared to fly out to Duke tomorrow, I can't say that a small part of me wouldn't prefer to just stayed curled up under my covers tomorrow morning and miss my flight.
           But alas, come dawn I'm sure I will wake up disgustingly early, drag my sorry butt to the airport, grumpily shuffle my way through security and then tune out the next 7 hours of my life. Maybe I'll even read King Lear or write that essay.

    All I know is, there better be a hug waiting for me on the other side....

    With Dawn comes Discomfort


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