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A Younger Me

  • Saturday, February 26, 2011
  • lostintranslation
  • I was cleaning out my old school binders when I came across this 'autobiography' my Economics teacher made us write him on our first day of class, four years ago. Its funny how some things change, and others dont.

    What You Should Know About Me

               There are not very many things you should know about me, but there are lots of things you can know about me. First of all, I am 17. My real name is Jaclyn, but I usually go by Jackie. It doesn't make a difference to me which one you call me, as long as its one of the two. I don't think I would respond to anything else. I am female. Surprise surprise. I have a younger sister named Andria who I call Andy, and everyone else calls A.J. (Her middle name is Jean which is where the J comes from). I have, sadly, lived in Davis in the same one story, pink house my entire life. But things could be worse. I have almost everything I want, and everything else I don't is superfluous. My favorite subject is English (sorry :]) and its usually the one I'm best at. I applied to UC Davis and am hoping against all hope that that is where I wind up. If not, I will probably cry for a week and then go to Sac State. On the weekends I play soccer for two different teams, and during the week I don't really do much but goof off and procrastinate doing my homework. I did apply for a job at De Luna Jewlers and I have an interview in exactly 26 hours from right now. You should probably also know that I'm a spazz and I don't take very many things seriously, including school, which can drive a lot of my teachers nuts. I apologize up front if this happens to you, I'll try and behave as much as possible. Two of my best friends are in your third period class, and they're pretty much the same as me. I suppose it's a good thing were not all together...Other then that there really isn't much more to me that you won't be able to figure out by the end of the year. I hope reading this autobiography at least made you smile, or at least broke the monotony of reading 100 of these in a row. Cheers!

    I wonder how many more of these little gems I'll uncover..


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