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The Short Synopsis of My Life

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    So here's my story. The names Jaclyn and I've spent the last 20 years tucked away in a little town out on the west coast.  While I wish I could say its the glamorous L.A. lifestyle for me, I might as well live in Nebraska. I seem to spend half my time there anyway...but that's another story. I've never been surfing and I could count the number of times I've seen the ocean on one hand. And while LA captivates me with all the charm and luster one would expect, I can't say I've ever done more than haunt UCLA's dorms for more than a few days. Let's just say it's on my bucket list. I grew up in a small town outside of Sacramento in what can only be described as the average college town suburbia. My parents split when I was young and I spent my hollidays shuttling back and forth to San Jose, which eventually became Arizona, and then Germany and now Vermont.  And when we weren't traveling to visit my mother we were driving, yes driving, across the country with my father. Its good to say I've been to almost every state in this country, and the word 'roadtrip' no longer applies to anything less than 6 hours. 
                       I love traveling and camping and all things outdoorsy. I love sports, dogs and music. I love watching movies and speaking other languages. I love the smell of rain and the way rice feels when it runs between your fingers. I love carbs and will do anything for a plate of spaghetti. I have a strong affinity for the feeling of paper beneath my fingertips. That, combined with my love of art and the English language,  has made reading and photography my most loved subjects. I hope one day to become an editor for a publishing company or run off and work for National Geographic. But most importantly, I love the characters of my life. For good or bad, we're in this together and these are our stories. Welcome to my life

    ***All photos on this site were taken by me and are solely meant for use on this blog. Please, do not take them as your own ***