A few days ago my father sent me on a mission to buy some more aqua globes for our house plants, God forbid our dog sitter might forget to water them one day while we're gone. So, being the dutiful daughter that I am, I hop in my car and drive to the one place you can find anything- the magical land of Target. Much to my surprise however, our local Target no longer carries them in the 'As Seen on TV aisle'. Whaaaat? Target doesn't carry something?! Well Fine, I tell myself, I'll just go to WalMart. Take that Target! So I grumpily storm back out to my car and drive over to the not-so-near WalMart that I always seem to miss the exit for. After 30 minutes of searching (could WalMart be laid out any more confusingly!?) I finally ask a salesperson for help. And what does she tell me? They don't carry them either! Since when were aqua globes such a hot commodity?
But that was yesterday, and I'm not one to take defeat easily so today a friend and I decided to whip out the big guns and go straight to the As Seen on TV store at the local mall. After a yummy lunch, a failed teapot quest and some starbucks scavenger hunting that involved dolphin trivia we finally made it to the store. Ten minutes later I left with 5 new aqua globes. Daughter of the year award- Check!
Since we were already at the mall, my friend decided to buy a Christmas gift for his nephew. And that's when the trouble began....We went into the first shoe store we found and headed towards the back where they keep the baby shoes. I thought my heart would melt. Baby shoes are among my most favorite things in the whole wide world, ranking somewhere above rain and just below spaghetti. They're soooo cute and tiny and square and I cant help but hold them in the palm of my hand and imagine chubby little feet nestled inside. Then I start day dreaming about my own little kid and how cute I hope it'll be and what his/her first pair of shoes will look like and to be completely honest.....they turn me into a baby craving maniac. I want to take home every kid in the mall by this point.
How could you not love me!? |
And the problem is, once I start thinking about babies I can't stop. So we went to the next shoe store and after looking at every single pair they had too, I upgraded from baby shoes to baby clothes. While not quite as cute, baby clothes are still pretty freaking adorable in my opinion. They're just so tiny and fuzzy and brightly colored I can't help but love them. Especially the little tiny footy pajamas that remind of the ones I used to wear back when I looked like Cindy Loo-Hoo. A small wave of nostalgia still hits me every time I pass by one of those stores. I'm sure my kid is going to have at least fifty pairs. I won't be able to help it.
But back to the story. We wound up getting a pair of pajamas, but decided no Christmas would be complete without an awesome stuffed animal from the Disney store to top it off. And wouldn't you know it, they were having a buy one get one free sale! It had to have been my lucky day. So like any other kid, we hugged, poked, and cuddled every single one until we found the perfect balance between fluffiness and snugability. We picked one for his nephew and my friend graciously let me take home the free one. It is my pleasure to introduce you to Louis IV, King of Swamp Bottom. (He likes to play jazz)
Please excuse the quality, I had to use my phone. |
As we were leaving the mall I couldn't help but notice all the lovely Christmas decorations which, of course, made me start to think about Martha Stewart and all the ways I would love to decorate my own home if I had one. I know she has a bad rap but you got to hand it to her, the lady knows how to decorate. She's so freaking crafty and everything she makes looks so beautiful and elegant while being wonderfully simple at the same time. I go nuts for it. I mean how could you not think this stuff is adorable!?
And as you might expect, thinking of my awesome house always leads me to thinking about being a wife and being a wife leads me to thinking about cooking. I love to cook and I love to eat so really it's no surprise that I enjoy spending time in the kitchen. Not to mention good food photography is always a plus. Which is how I wound up with this:
So after this long winded tale, what have I concluded about myself? I was made to live in the 50's and should really become and nanny. And while my sisterso lovingly tells me I'm a weird middle aged woman, I tell her to shut up- cuz while I may be crazy, ten years from now I'm going to eat like a queen and have the better looking house and she'll be living in a cardboard box eating dead bugs.
And as you might expect, thinking of my awesome house always leads me to thinking about being a wife and being a wife leads me to thinking about cooking. I love to cook and I love to eat so really it's no surprise that I enjoy spending time in the kitchen. Not to mention good food photography is always a plus. Which is how I wound up with this:
Lemon and proscuitto stuffed pork loin |
So after this long winded tale, what have I concluded about myself? I was made to live in the 50's and should really become and nanny. And while my sister
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